Here you will find articles and links relaed to diving, and links to organisations that are working to protect the marine environment. We are continually searching for information on how we can help to protect and increase our understanding of the marine environment, so check back when you have the time to see what's new. If you have any suggestions on articles that might be of interest to others, please let us know and we will include it here.
Reading list

Here you will find links to non-profit making organisations that are carrying out on going research into different aspects of diving and conservation.
The International Programme on the State of the Ocean (IPSO) was established by scientists with the aim of saving the Earth and all life on it.
DAN is a 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization that provides emergency medical information and assistance for underwater diving injuries, and promotes and supports underwater diving research and education, particularly as it relates to the improvement of diving safety, medical treatment and first aid.
A digital repository of Diving and Environmental Physiology Research!